Happy one-year anniversary to all my loyal followers, as well as you newbies who just stumbled across this epic blog. Yes, it is officially our first blog-iversary. First of many, of course.
New Year, New You. That's the theme every January 1st, right? Well, lucky for you, Yours Truly isn't changing.
[Shocked gasp from the collective crowd. Dear lord, some of you are thinking, why not change something? Anything!]
Ok, fine. Let us run through some common New Year's Resolutions and discuss:
Exercise more. Except...during the week, I run 30 min every day and typically end up walking for 2-3 hours on the treadmill in the afternoons. Plus a long run on the weekend. I have many flaws, but not exercising isn’t one of them. #humblebragging.
Eat healthier. Except...are you insane? Not gonna happen.
Travel more. Except...actually, wouldn't that be great? Yes, yes it would. I love travel. My bank account does not love travel.
Drink less. Except...I don’t drink. Ha. [Cuts extra large brownie. Refers back to Item #2.]
Be more positive. Except...AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Look at getting that new career you've been dreaming of.
Well…fair point. But it is a truth universally acknowledged that there will always be idiots no matter where you go. And, come on. After reading these blog posts, you can’t tell me that my job isn't a special kind of watering hole for idiots. A place where the algae of society ends up clumped on the top of the water cooler, just waiting for someone to come along and drain the tank. And then there’s me. Wielding my overworked metaphors to bring you comic relief on a regular basis.
Plus, I don't hate my job...not entirely anyway. And, if I quit, this blog would be no more, and then you would be entirely out of your weekly dose of sarcasm and cynicism. So, I'm not getting a new job. You're welcome.
Instead of worrying about resolutions, then, we're just going to jump right into 2024 mostly where we left off in 2023 since the recruitment industry is one of those always-the-same/changes-every-day type of job. Are there other jobs like that? Is every job like that? Where you feel like you're doing the exact same thing every day but have a new story nine times per week?
Argh. Sometimes I wish I was the idiot so other people could deal with me instead of me dealing with them.
Cheers, Everyone! Here's to 2024!