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Yours Truly

Let's keep it brief, people

Winter weather is a big factor where I live. A spontaneous six inches of snow overnight means people driving to work the next morning might be late due to slower-than-normal traffic. People riding the bus to work might be late if their bus was stuck in a snowbank. Some people may legitimately attempt to go to work but can’t get out of their driveway or neighborhood. Others are going to decide they don’t want to go to work and will use the excuse the weather has handed them.

I was discussing all of these weather-related issues with a coworker the morning after a significant snowfall when he got a call. Some harmless eavesdropping led me to the conclusion it was someone who was calling in late to work. Usually, those calls last about 24 seconds: "I'm going to be late due to traffic."

Ok, cool. We'll notify your supervisor that you're on your way. Done and done.

Though the call my coworker picked up was obviously an "I'm going to be late" call, it didn't end at 24 seconds. Or 34 seconds. Or 44 seconds. I continued listening to the one-sided conversation and tried not to laugh:

"Good morning, how can I help you? Oh, you're going to be late? But you're on your way? Ok, we'll notify your supervisor. (Pause) Ok. Well, we'll notify your supervisor. (Pause) I understand that you're on your way. We'll let your supervisor know you'll be there as soon as you can. (Pause) Yes, I get that. I'll--(person obviously interrupts) Yes, I get that you're late because of traffic. You said that twice already. We'll let your supervisor--(another interruption). Ok, well, I don't need to know that. We just need to know that you're on your way so we can let your supervisor know. No! Ok, maybe you should concentrate on driving, and I'll let your supervisor know you'll be there when you can. Ok. Bye."

It didn’t take much prompting on my part to get the dish when he finally hung up. The lady on the other end of the phone--who sounded like she couldn't do much of one thing at a time, let alone more than one thing--was attempting to explain the traffic to him as she was driving. 'It's really slow because there's a car in the ditch.' 'Now that person is stuck.' 'There's a lot of snow on the exit ramp' 'I think I need to go to the bathroom, but I'm stuck in traffic.' And a host of other things before my coworker was finally able to (politely) hang up on her.

Long story short? Let's keep it brief people. You're calling in late while you're driving? Great. Keep it short. None of us need the play by play. If for no other reason than it prevents the need for you to call later and explain to us why it is our fault for your sliding into the ditch as you attempted to explain your situation to us as to why you would be late.

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